Monday, May 29, 2006

Still alive. That is all :)

Feel better then I have in, well, AWHILE! I guess the drugs are kicking in...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Wee! Still alive. :) Rash hasn't spread beyond my forearms!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

EEEEP! *freaks out a little, but not a lot cuz mamalika tells me not to*

Rash is spreading. from the tops of my arms... to the backs of my arms.

*drinks more water*

So... I haven't updated in awhile.

Went to see the specalist on Wed. Sister is gone (home). No one can tell me 100% what is wrong with me.

This is what I know for sure:

- I'm still swollen everywhere, some days are worse then others (for pain and swelling).
- I'm unsafe on the road (when i was driving home, I went cross-eyed... on a major highway. But that only lasted a few mins. Had to close one eye just to see. I couldn't even think/see well enough to at the very least put my emergency blinkers on and pull over to the side of the road. Eep!)
- I cry... A LOT.
- Just noticed this right now - have a rash on both arms. It's near my wrists. Dunno what that's all about.
- Still cold all the time
- My fingers are currently itchy/burning...again. Also, they have those weird bruised looking flecks again.
- right side of my face has a weird rash type thing. looks like a misquito (ya i can't spell) bite, with a ring around it. Odd!

The specalist wanted urine from me... a 24 hour collection of it. So for sure I have to drop that off at some point today. If I can drive. I think I can. Just gotta find the lab. It's only about 10 mins away, by car. I wish I could just walk to one. But, that would be weird. Me walking down the street... with a jug of pee! HAHA! Plus it needs to be kept cold. Need to get more bloodwork done as well.

Here's the drugs I'm on:
Novo-Difenac SR 75mg. 2 a day, for 50 days.
Apo-Hydroxyquine 200mg. 2 a day for 75 days, with one refill.

So, we'll see what this round of bloodwork and urine shows. *shrug*

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Symptoms for the last 24 hours:

- dizzyness (to the point of needing someone to hang onto sometimes)
- extreme pain in my joints. Especially right thumb, left knee, feet/toes
- headache that just wont quit
- nausea
- I've felt high/drunk most of the time (and am totally sober)
- poofy

This is gonna sound gross to the males reading, heh, but I've been on my period for about 3 weeks now. It stopped for a few days, but started again. It's not like a normal period. Alot heavier but more watery. Gross I know. And I'm on the pill. It wont even stop it. o.O

Going back to lay down.

Monday, May 15, 2006

So... it's difficult for me to move normally. I'm afraid to drive because I get dizzy spells... I would be devastasted to passout while driving and kill someone.

Sister is here to help me out because most days simple tasks such as: laundry, feeding myself, letting my dog out, etc etc. Its silly to rely on boy for everything and really, it's not his responsibility.


Symptoms for today:

- Had extreme pain in my chest. About 8/10 on the pain scale. It's ok if I don't lay down tho.
- Swollen everywhere.
- Pain in my left wrist, feet, knees, shoulders.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Sister is here now :)

She got here yesterday at about 8am. I'm so glad she did come. It's a big comfort to have her around.

When she got here, she forced me to eat some fruit. Then I puked. Ew! For now, the vomiting seems to have stopped and again I'm able to hold food/water down. THANK YOU BODY lol I was gettin' REAL hungry. :P

Symptoms for today so far:

- pain in my shoulders, elbows, knees, left foot.
- whole body is still swollen
- dizzy
- I keep forgetting to put this, because it's a daily symptom... but I still get cold all the time. Even when others around me are warm.

Also, yesterday... she forced me to buy a bunch more healthy food. When we were in the grocery store I thought I was going to puke. Didn't tho... heh I'm glad. That would have been embarrassing.

Friday, May 12, 2006

My sister is flying in from out west. We already had two round trip plane tickets paid for. So she just changed hers. My papa and her think it's a good idea for me to have someone around 24 hours a day.

I'm a bit freaked out. The receptionist from the doc who will now be know as an Angel called at about 4pm... she said "Go back to the lab and get urine taken... RIGHT NOW. Everything in your blood came back as abnormal. We don't even know what specialist to send you to anymore. Why did the emerg even let you go home?!"

At that point I just lost it. I'm still pretty sure i'm not dying though. Just a little trippy how fast whatever this is, is getting worse.


I also puked twice today. Bla. Barfing is so gross. I think the puking was a combo of things. I'm in so much pain, really freaked out about the blood work results, and the new drugs.

It's not all bad news tho. At least at some point soon I'll get diagnosed. I have an appt. with a specalist on Wed. My sister is coming, who always has been my "nurse" so to speak. Growing up she'd take care of me when I was sick. And it'll just be nice... to know for sure that no matter what for the next week or so I don't have to worry about feeding myself, walking my dog (he's been so neglected, but I think he knows something is up), driving, etc etc.

FYI here's the blood tests taken:
Creatinine: Kidney
AST: Liver damage
ALKP: Liver
Bilirubin: Liver
Bld. film exam: Looks closely at what cells look like
Hemoglobin: Red cells, checks anemia
WBC: Infection, inflamation
Hematocrit: Red cell % (anemia)
ANF: Lupus
LE cell prep: lupus eryromtitis
RA: Rhematoid authoritity: WBC eat other cells? Attack immune
ESR: degree of inflamation

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Worst. Day. Yet. I have zero desire to eat, move, work, smile... anything. I feel sorry for my dog.


- extreme pain in: elbows, feet, knees, hands, shoulders
- extreme restlessness
- woke up at least every 2 hours.
- dizzy
- vomitis (nausaus)
- going insane
- still swollen... everywhere
- hands, feet - burning, itchy, throbby, restless

My papa says it sounds painful for me to even talk.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Symptoms for today:

- EXTREME pain in my right hand. I can only use one finger to type with.
- chest pain
- I'm just tired. 100% tired.
- poofy
- sleeping is still a problem, BIG problem. I start to ache so bad that I just gotta get out of bed.

Still emotional over the outpour of love and well wishes from SL people. Even ones I've never talked to before. It blows me away. <3. Hip told me to go have a nap before I start crying. LOL! So I should do that. (you'd think I'm PMSing... lol I'm not!)

*feels so very very loved*

As a side note: I PROMISE to be in game more soon. It's just so hard to be right now.

Some action...

Went to my dad's doc. Well, not even, my dad's doc is not there right now. It's another Doctor that he pratices with. Anyway...

Onto the good news!

Today wasn't an awful day for pain! I mean right now my right hand is just done. I can barely move my fingers... but until about midnight I was real low on the pain level. I'm still poofy tho. real poofy.

And better news too! The doctor I saw, I'd never seen before. He could see I am poofy... he's NEVER SEEN ME BEFORE! Everything I told him he listened to! His reaction to my list of symptoms was profound almost. These arn't his exact words but he said something along the lines of..."Suspects lupus or rhumitoid arthritis. An autoimmue connective tissue (something, I forget, I dunno medical things). He even tried his damnest to get me into a specalist (rhumitoloigst)... SAME DAY! Anyway the specalist wants blood test first. So I got more done.

Finally tho, there's a doctor on my side. *sigh of relief* Finally, a step towards... I don't know what. Answers?


Monday, May 08, 2006


A month or so ago I had a dream. It was the ONLY dream I've ever had that had such a clear message. To make a long story short the message was "love harder". I think I'm gonna start doing that. I mean... why not?

So lemme just say...
1. To myself: This is tough and it sucks but you can deal. Really you can. Sometimes you think you can't, but you can, because you must. I love you. You deserve to be treated well, so from now on, you will be. Come tomorrow when you wake up, no smoking. :)

2. Thank you to everyone who has supported me through this. (family, friends, SL friends) Love you all!

3. Boy. I don't know why you help me out so much, not many people would that they've known for so little time. Thank you too! :)

Enough mush! haha yeesh Nyte is emotional today. :P

May 8, 2006

Going back to the walkin clinic. I'm hoping they'll give me better pain killers or at least ones that are safer to take all the time.

Symptoms for today:
- everywhere swollen
- had to take two advil before I could even think of getting out of bed.

Update more later. Going now... boy is here.

UPDATE: I went to the walkin' clinic. I feel pretty good about what the doc said to me. I breifly told her what's been going on since I last saw her.

She said she suspects Lupus. *sigh* Could be worse I suppose. I got some better drugs. It's called: Meloxicam.

Still waiting on the specalist, but going to see my dad's doctor tomorrow.

May 7th (and since the last time I blogged)


- my whole body is swollen. Including my eye lids. Like everything. Has been swollen since I went to my papa's (thursday till as I write this)
- can't regulate my temperature that well, usually REALLY cold
- problems sleeping
- (of course) pain in my joints and chest

When I was at my dads I attempted a "drug free" day. Ya, that didn't go so well. By about 5pm I was under two big blankets, laying in bed, watching tv, unable to move easily. That was rough.

I'm averaging about 6 advil a day. The max you can safely take according to the bottle. And also 1-2 tylenol cold and flu night time... to help me sleep.

The worst part about this is my mental state. It's real hard to be happy, at all. It's real hard to do anything.

This morning I felt really "puffy". I couldn't really close my hands, not due to pain... but swelling. Took 3 advil when I woke up.

Went to Costco tho, and got SO MUCH healthy food. Maybe that'll make some sort of difference.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

May 4th, 2006

Going to my dads till tomorrow.

Lots to write about, but time to go. Will edit later.

Monday, May 01, 2006

May 1st

I slept pretty well last night. Tho, I took two advil and a tylenol cold and flu night-time. We also went to the emerg, but it was too busy. I'm not dying, I wouldn't have gotten answers, and been there for like a min. of 5 hours, it was already 2am. So we left. Cuz I was hungry, sleepy and cold. Bla. Taking the advil before bed eased alot of pain in my chest.

Woke up. Went to the walkin clinic to see what's going on with this specialist. He/She hasn't responded to the "request". I ask how long, like any sort of timeframe. Any! No answers, she doesn't know.

How is this ok?! Canadians are taxed like crazy! How is it that someone can be in constant pain all the time and get no answers?? I've had multiple blood tests, been to multiple walkin clinics, been to emerg... what else can I do?? This is SO not ok! So much for Canada and it's "wonderful healthcare". Well, not all of Canada is like this. Thankfully.

I might go out West. They have privatized clinics. I'd GLADY pay someone to tell me what is wrong and how I get pain relief. Bla. That would be difficult. I'd have to get a laptop, good enough for SL. That would cost alot. I'd be out there for awhile, I'm pretty sure. I have a dog. I have a lease. Bla.

I feel so defeated. I'm broken and NO ONE in the medical field cares. I'm 24 years old and have pain ALL the time. It's not just mornings anymore. ALL the time. Fuck Ontario. Seriously. This is such bullshit. I'd rather pay lower taxes and PAY for healthcare.

One thing tho, the nurses at the emerg are angels. They made me feel so taken care of. :) <3 Nurses.


On the bright side, I had a good sleep. I hurt, but not so much in my chest. Knees, feet, fingers. I worry about the amount of advil I take.