May 1st
I slept pretty well last night. Tho, I took two advil and a tylenol cold and flu night-time. We also went to the emerg, but it was too busy. I'm not dying, I wouldn't have gotten answers, and been there for like a min. of 5 hours, it was already 2am. So we left. Cuz I was hungry, sleepy and cold. Bla. Taking the advil before bed eased alot of pain in my chest.Woke up. Went to the walkin clinic to see what's going on with this specialist. He/She hasn't responded to the "request". I ask how long, like any sort of timeframe. Any! No answers, she doesn't know.
How is this ok?! Canadians are taxed like crazy! How is it that someone can be in constant pain all the time and get no answers?? I've had multiple blood tests, been to multiple walkin clinics, been to emerg... what else can I do?? This is SO not ok! So much for Canada and it's "wonderful healthcare". Well, not all of Canada is like this. Thankfully.
I might go out West. They have privatized clinics. I'd GLADY pay someone to tell me what is wrong and how I get pain relief. Bla. That would be difficult. I'd have to get a laptop, good enough for SL. That would cost alot. I'd be out there for awhile, I'm pretty sure. I have a dog. I have a lease. Bla.
I feel so defeated. I'm broken and NO ONE in the medical field cares. I'm 24 years old and have pain ALL the time. It's not just mornings anymore. ALL the time. Fuck Ontario. Seriously. This is such bullshit. I'd rather pay lower taxes and PAY for healthcare.
One thing tho, the nurses at the emerg are angels. They made me feel so taken care of. :) <3 Nurses.
On the bright side, I had a good sleep. I hurt, but not so much in my chest. Knees, feet, fingers. I worry about the amount of advil I take.