Friday, February 08, 2008

Everythings good


Update time so we're all in the know. heh. :)

I've been feeling good generally still. Random weird pains, random chest pain, but not very often and not very severe. As much as I hate winter... I suspect it helps. BOO!

I'm in the process of being weened off of Prednisone. In three months time I should be on a much lower dosage - at which time we'll check to see if it's possible to get me off the steroids. Hope so! More often then not these days I feel like by taking the pills I'm poisoning myself rather then controlling an out of control disease. I feel the Lupus is in control for the time being - go immune system! Or maybe, not go immune system? Perhaps when it's active is when its bad? Not sure.

You know... there's a lot of us out there. Lupus sufferers. MS. TMJ. All sorts of painful diseases. Lots of people have contacted me - either because of this blog or because of the purple things in my store. Sometimes it makes me sad to know how many of you out there suffer or have suffered from these things. Sometimes it's a real comfort when I get to talk to you guys. I think about you guys... and I hope you all are ok out there.

So to all you guys I say: Keep your head up. When you feel isolated in your disease...KNOW there are people out there that care, understand, and even experience the same things you do. At one point, really, I considered the possibility of death. And here I sit today feeling pretty damn good. Something when I was THAT sick I never thought would be possible again. Anyway the point is - never lose hope. Just... don't give up on yourself. You ARE strong enough to go through this. If you weren't - you wouldn't be.

<3 Nyte