Thursday, August 16, 2007

Yay and boo (RL complaints). LOOOOONG!

I saw my new doctor on Monday to get my latest blood/urine test results back. Strangely he didn't do any of the "lupus tests" but did test an array of other things which I suppose is most important considering the biggest indicator for how active (or not) the Lupus is, is how I feel.

Anywhooo on to the good news! My kidneys are functioning normally and there's no more sign of anemia! YAY for all the Alberta beef I've been eating. haha :P For the most part I feel pretty good lately. I get ache's, but I'm getting used to just waking up and having something sore and/or swollen. It's obvious to me that the Lupus is in remission, and hopefully stays there (you bastard lupus, get outta here!!!!). YAY! :)

Now for the "boo" part of this entry.

I bought a washing machine and dryer recently. The old washing machine was a cheap little thing, it bounced around so hardcore that it ended up ripping up the flooring in the laundry room. So, new ones were in order. If I knew then what I know now, I'd choose the chewed up flooring.

The machines were purchased by a company called "Coast Wholesale Appliance". Instead of typing up the whole story again, I will just copy and paste the email's I've sent to management and head office. If you're in Western Canada I would STRONGLY advise you to be wary when dealing with these people if you're in the market for appliance's.

Email sent to manager of the store:
I would like to take a few minutes to relay to you my utter and complete dissatisfaction with the way I was treated as a customer of your business. Never in my life have I been so dissatisfied with a company and never have I written such a letter.

On July 23rd 2007 I purchased a floor model front-load washer and dryer from you. Invoice # ****. Order # ****. The total cost was $****.**CAD, paid in full. The sales person was *salesPerson* and he was very kind to us. However this is where the good experience stops.

The washer and dryer were delivered on Monday July 30th. The delivery people damaged my door, however did not tell me about this damage. They instead, put the product in its place and left. I noticed this a few hours later.

Upon inspection of the machines I realized we were missing essential items, such as water hoses, drainage hose, lint trap, etc. These did not come with the machines, as expected. No one told us would would have to acquire these on our own, which would have been extremely helpful information and honestly probably would have swayed our choice toward NOT purchasing the machines. We're also missing the lint trap, which in itself causes a great fire hazard, as you should know. Due to this lack of essential material we had to call an appliance service person to come in. On July 31, 2007 $**.** was paid to *BusinessName* Appliance Repairs for installation.

While the appliance repair man was at my home, I called *salesPerson* to inquire about the missing installation equipment. *salesPerson* then told me to "send my repairman to Home Depot to pick up the parts". Not a plausible answer. Sorry, as should be understandable, I did not wish to send my repairman on a 45 minute drive on my money. This has already cost me more then I bargained for. The repairman ended up using the water hoses and drainage hose from the old washing machine. However, we still have no lint trap for the dryer (again, fire hazard). After the repairman was done with installation he tested the machines. The dryer worked fine (aside from the missing lint trap). The washing machine, however did not work. The repairman then advised me to be in contact with you guys because considering it's a brand new machine, it should work.

I called *salesPerson* at least 6 times on July 31 2007. Nothing was resolved. He was informed very early on the machine was not working. He talked me through many steps to get the machine working. All of them failed. All in all I spent about 2 hours on the phone with your company. The last thing I heard from *salesPerson* was "ok, try this one last thing and if that doesn't work I will send a repairman out for you." The last thing he told me to do failed. So I called your company again. *salesPerson* was busy so I left a voice mail. I got no call back this day.

On Wed. August 1 2007 I attempted to call *salesPerson* again. I was told he was in a meeting and to leave a message. Left another message. No call back at all on August 1st.

On Thursday August 2, 2007. My sister, *sistersName*, attempted to get in touch with the manager of your store. She is unsure of who she left a message for. *salesPerson* finally called me back at 4:30 pm. He simply gave me a number for a repair company. Helpful? Not even a little. I have a phonebook, if this was the answer, I had it two days ago. Not impressed. I then called the repair company I was told to. They are called *repairCompany*. However, they were now closed because *salesPerson* has waited so late to call me.

Friday August 3, 2007. I got in touch with *repairCompany*. They set up a repair person to come on the 11th of August.

I've just called *repairCompany* again, to see if they can supply us with our lint trap. They cannot.

I'm at the point now, where I don't even want these machines anymore. They have created way to much hassle for what they are worth. I would like to return the machines, to your company for a full refund, at your cost.

Please do something to make this better. I'm sick of calling your company and getting the run-around and no answers.

I look forward to a response within' 48 hours.
Email sent today to two head office VP's and the HR girl (the only contact info I could find online):

To whom it may concern:

I've decided to forward my original email sent to "*managersName*, Manager" of your Calgary location. This situation is NOT resolved and quite frankly I am getting sick of being lied to and given the run around by employees of your company. The only thing I could think of to do is contact people at head office in hopes that SOMETHING will happen.

Please read the original email sent to *manager* (below) so the rest of this email makes sense.

To update the story:

*manager* did reply to my email via phone call. He assured me he would have one of the delivery men or a courier deliver the missing lint trap for the dryer. He had told me to call him on the 14th of August after the repairman had done his thing.

The repairman was here on August 14th, 2007. He took a look at the machine and discovered the entire computer that controls the washing machine was missing. Which leads me to the question: why is your company selling equipment that is obviously devoid of essential items? Thankfully he had another one and replaced it. In talking to the repairman, I've learned that Coast Appliances has quite the bad reputation for jerking people around and selling faulty equipment, as your company has done with myself and my family.

I then called *manager* and relayed the days events to him. I got a response along the lines of "Oh, THAT'S why the machine was waiting for service here". I'm not sure if this statement meant he was aware before selling the machine it was broken, but for the sake of your company I sure hope not! Anyway, *manager* said he would courier the missing lint trap to us (as we don't actually live in Calgary). No courier or lint trap was delivered on the 14th.

No courier on August 15th.

It is now the 16th of August. I called *manager* in the morning at about 9:45am mountain time to inquire about the lint trap. He stated it was indeed picked up by the courier on the 14th. However, I have still received no lint trap and it has been well over 24 hours from supposed pick up time. Will I ever get the complete set of items I paid almost $**** for? I have serious doubts.

I don't expect this situation to be resolved but I wanted you to be aware of how your company has treated me. As a side: We're replacing ALL the appliances in my home (oven, fridge, central vacuum, dishwasher) and your company has taught me a very valuable lesson: Where NOT to shop for appliances. I regret that Coast has gotten a penny of my money and I assure you that will never happen again.

I'm so sick of dealing with these people. I still have no lint trap. I'm still getting dicked around. *sigh* I've filed a report with the BBB Canada. Hopefully they can get something done for me, because it's obvious that I fail.