Unexpected doctor visit...
It's official. My dad's doctor (and mine I guess), the receptionist, and the other doctor are the best. I was in Toronto today, for a meeting with my dad and a client of his. Turns out my dad had a doc's appointment before.So we go, and I'm just sitting in the waiting room. The receptionist is nice, ask me how everything is, etc. Doctor comes out after seeing my pops and says he wants to chat with me for a bit. So I go in and he asks how i'm doing, if I have any questions/concerns and said I should get a flu shot. Since my immune system is weaker then a normal persons. So, I got one. Anyway, point is I did have a few questions. About calcium and steriods, stuff like that. We were both impressed. Not many doctors would do that. I didn't have an appointment, he didn't know I'd be there.
<3 My doctors.