Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Abnormal MRI.. but it's not a tumor.

So yea, went to the neurologist today. He said the MRI of my head shows some abnormalties. He's sending me to yet another specalist for more tests on my brain. I forget what they're called but it seems mainly to be focused on my frontal lobe. I dunno when I see the new doctor though. They're gonna call me.

That was a bit weird. I was really thinking I'd go in there... he'd say my confusion and googly eyes are most likely caused by the anemia. My heart sank when he said there's abnormalties. Although, I've convinced myself that it's the lupus swelling my brain (or parts of).. so hopefully when we get the lupus under control whatever is going on in my head will be ok too.

While we're on the issue of brains... OMG the guy who lives two doors down is totally stupid! I had to call 911 today! o.O!!! Boy was taking out the garbage for me and comes back and was like "uhhh the place two doors down fire alarms are going off and it's FULL of smoke". o.O! I was like OMG what do we do?! So we go over there, look in the window to see if anyone is there. Can't see anyone. We go into his backyard. No one. Boy knocks. No answer. Back to the front door... boy rings the doorbell. No answer. So I call 911, tell them the address and that the place is jammed full of smoke.

So the fire trucks arrive. They bang on his door a bunch of times. He finally answers. Turns out he was "really tired" when cooking something and went to bed. Upstairs. How he didn't hear us knocking/ringing the bell AND his smoke alarm going off is beyond me. But what the hell! There's a little girl that lives beside him. I can't imagine what would have happened if Boy didn't take the garbage out when he did. What if it was an hour later? Or even in the morning? The guy prolly woulda died of smoke inhilation. His place would have started on fire. The place next door then would of course. Little girl and her family, then us. I can't bellive anyone would do that! If you're that fricken tired... don't start cooking and THEN go to bed. Just go to bed!

If I ever see this guy, he'll get a piece of my mind. Dumbass.

Anyway... the biopsy is on Friday. Not looking forward to that one bit. Hopefully it comes out clear and is done without a problem.

We'll see!