Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Wanna see something depressing...yet with a super important message? I'd like to think that Lupus isn't as deadly as this makes it sound. They're just saying that to URGE people to take their message to heart. They kinda just leave out the "not so bad" parts of lupus. It's not always bad and I'm pretty sure most lupus suffers would agree. At least I sure hope so! Geesh!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


So, since I've gotten diagnosed with Lupus... I've been hearing this and that general badness about Aspartame (the stuff used to sweeten diet drinks and well everything that's sweet but claims to have no sugar). I never really paid attention. I've never seen studies, medical reports, or facts. What I've been hearing is that aspartame is generally REALLY REALLY bad for you, specifically hinting at it being a cause and/or cause of flares in lupus and related illnesses. But you know after years of hearing people say things like this about various things, you just stop listening. Until you keep hearing it. I'm consistantly hearing that Aspartame is bad. After so many times... one starts to think "hmmm maybe there is something behind this".

Anyone else out there hearing stuff about Aspartame? If so...thoughts?

Edit: I found a good article from time.com. Interesting.
