ECG n' stuff
Saw the doc today. My other docs FINALLY sent him my medical records. He was...different. It was kinda weird. He suddenly... had time for me? I guess that's it. We looked at some of the notes passed between docs about me. I guess I have two kinds of Lupus. Lupus Nephritis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. I knew this, I just didn't know the kidney involvement part of it had a name. Interesting.I mentioned my chest pains to the doc. Everyone in the medical field gets so wirey when you mention chest pain. lol. I knew it was nothing, just a lupus thing that happens to me. See? But regardless he sent me for an ECG (or whatever it's called where they hook you up to a machine and stick things all over your chest that read how your heart is). It's fine. Go heart! He did prescribe some anti inflammatory/pain killers. So hopefully the chest pain goes away soon. It's annyoing.
The doc ordered more blood/urine. I have to see him next week. Friday. He out of the blue asked, looking thoughful "Do your hands ever go numb?". I kinda stared at him a sec, trying to figure out where this was going... and answered "YES! Why?!" Then I elaborated, see it's only usually my right hand and only when I lean on the elbow. It'll STAY numb for hours after that, but I'm pretty sure that's all that triggers this. So anyway, he then asks if my hands are weak. Well. I'm not sure? Perhaps? I never felt like I had particularly strong hands... anywho, I dunno where all these questions were going. I can wait for answers. I think he has a inkling about something, but wanted the latests test results first. *shrugs* On that thought... he asked if I ever had vision problems. I said no, but perhaps I should re-think that answer. At a time, it could have been yes. Does that count? Remember the extreme brain farts? (Eyes going crossed, extreme confusion, almost felt like the world just shut off for minute -- woo crazyness, the feeling of being stoned/drunk and NOT).
Also had some knee pain today. Not bad. Just sayin'... cuz I said I should on the last entry. Also, weather was rainy. There's a possible link to bad weather. I'm going to start to document it more.