Sunday, April 30, 2006

April 29-30

I haven't posted since Thursday. Oops.

Last night was a real bad night for me. Well, Friday night too. My chest pain is still with me and worse. I'm not really sure what to do anymore.

Last night (sat night) was the worst night I've had pain and general unwellness. Heh I also said that on Sat after I woke up, about friday.

Symptoms for the weekend:
- extreme chest pain, especially when laying down or inhaling.
- fatigue, almost constant
- headaches, almost constant as well.
- joint pain (only a tiny thankfully)
- light headedness
- itchy/burning fingers/toes
- lightheaded
- my fingernails, under them...the pink part, are bruised. Faintly. Almost like I wacked my hands on something.

Ya know, it kinda worries me. The joint pain, well that was something I could explain. Everyone's had joint pain at some point. This tightness in my chest, that's hard to explain. I will try though. Have you ever gotten punched, real hard, right in the middle of your chest? That's how it feels. My breathing is shallow and pained.

For the most part, I'm alone in this too. Except for Boy. He'll be known as boy from here on out, because I don't like naming names on the 'net. Its difficult for me to do simple tasks, such as dishes or vaccuuming. Guess what we did today? Well, we went outta town to see this cool store and try to go to Costco (but it was closed). Anyway, we also cleaned the main level of my place. I'm also afraid to drive... because of this lightheadedness. So who does all the driving. Boy.

Sometimes I think it's unfair to him. I'm not very fun, I'm all sick. Who wants to deal with that? As a constant. Can you imagine? Daily... seeing someone you care about in pain. That would be tough! And that aside, it would get very tiring. Shit... sometimes I don't even wanna be around me. haha. Doesn't seem to phase him tho. Odd. But good. :)

Roomate has been good too. She has her own life though, which is understandable. The first emerg visit, she stayed with me for 6 hours. Skipping out on some important things (work, something school related.) She hadn't slept. But she was there.

One thing I realized tho through all of this. I realized what a tight knit family I have. Immediate family I mean. Dad and sis call me all the time, to check up. I'm very thankful to them.

I don't have many people in my life. That's my choice. But damn, I'm thankful and glad I have the ones I do. :)

Thursday, April 27, 2006

April 27/06

Woke up around noonish. Felt better then I have in awhile. I think this might be because I took a tylenol cold and flu night-time, to help me sleep the night before.

My fingers and toes are still itchy/burny. Overall joint pain isn't too bad. Probably a 3/10. Which is really good! Pain is in my hands, knees, and right shoulder. Still unable to get warm without having a bath. I ate taco bell so far.

Still really tired, I could have a nap for sure... and have only been up for 5 hours. But I'll resist.

Also, to mention, my headache came back about an hour into being awake. I took 3 advils so far today.

That's all for now!

April 26/06

In hospital till 11am.

Ate peach yougurt, blueberry muffin, orange juice and cheddar cheese. At the hospital of course. haha you think I have healthy stuff like that at home?! :P

Walking outta the emerg and waiting for my ride I felt very light headed. Almost drunk or high.. but obviously, I wasn't! Chest was still tight and my hands were still itchy/burny.

Slept from about noon till 6pm even though I wasn't mentally tired at all, I guess my body was. Woke up with another headache. For the life of me, I couldn't get warm. No matter what I did. So I took a HOT bath. Whoops. Shouldn't have done that. About 10 mins after the bath I started to get real hot. Like overheating hot. I was shakey and felt like I was going to pass out or vomit. I sat on the toilet for about 5 mins (no I wasn't poopin'... I mean on the lid, with my pants on haha), with my head in my hands. Then moved to somewhere cooler, my bedroom, and sat on the floor. Taking deep breaths... with my head in my hands. The intense passing out/pukey feeling passed in about 10 minutes.

I went outside, and called my sister, while walking to Craigs house. She said I sounded short of breath. I was. But I told her I wasn't. Was also still very shakey and pukey feeling. I got to Craig's and got under a blanket. I figured I should eat something, but was afraid I'd puke. : / Craig made the comment "you move funny today". I asked what he meant... he said "just like your really uncomfy".

We watched a movie and eventually ate some pizza. I felt better for about 2 hours, but then my nasuea and headache came back. I went home, and about an hour later fell asleep.

Edit: I can't for the life of me remember how many pain killers I took today. Most likey 4 advil.

April 25/06

Got out of bed at 3pm. Felt very tired. Almost like I hadn't really slept.

My left hand was swollen (nutty professor syndrome) and barely mobile. I couldn't put my hair in a pony tail, which bothered me, cuz I have crazy ass hair! lol. I had to get help to button up my pants (damn you to hell buttonfly jeans!!!). Something new was happening too... my fingers and toes were itchy! Burning almost. Kinda like when your fingers get real real cold, and they start to get warm again. That feeling. The pain was in my wrist as well. Pain was about an 8.5.

My right hand (fingers/wrist) were also sore, but not even half as bad. With even lesser pain was elbows and my right shoulder.

Also, I couldn't for the life of me get warm.

I went back to sleep at 6pm... after eating a ceasar salad and chicken fingers. I slept till 11pm.

Woke up at 11 with a killer headache. Right in the back of my neck. Felt just awful. Tired, sore, headchey, weak. More new pain... it also felt like someone was sitting on my chest. I'm not sure if I would describe it as pain, but more like tightness and pressure. It was much worse when I would lay down or inhale. I would cough a little bit if I exerted myself or smoked.

Went to the emergency room at midnight. They took me right in, and there was LOTS of people there. o.O.

They hooked me up to an EKG machine, took blood, and chest xrays. When the blood came back it showed inflamation and one of the other test were "borderline abnormal". Not sure which one. So they took two more things of blood. And another EKG. Ekg's were normal. The blood came back again as borderline abnormal.

They finally let me go home at 11am the next day, telling me that they would forward all the info to the walkin clinic (who's supposed to get me a appt. with a specalist because of the borderline abnormal readings.) ... but they fed me! haha :)

Took 2 advil when I woke up (at 3pm) and 3 more just before going to the hospital.

So it begins... April 24/06

Woke up with swollen and pretty painful hands. (haha when my hands get like that, I say its "nutty professor syndrome")

Pain level: about a 7 or 8.

Other spots where lesser pain is: knees, shoulders.

Took two advil Liqui Gels (200 mg) when I woke up. Took two more about 5 hours later.

More History...

Lemme just say, I am NOT a healthy person. Well, I am. I'm rarely sick. Cold/Flu seems to skip over me everytime someone close to me gets it. I can kiss someone that's sick with a cold and not get sick at all.

Here's why I say I'm not healthy. I smoke a pack of cigarettes a day. Gross. I know. I eat a lot of fast food. I don't exersize. Well, at one time I tried to. I did for about 3 months. But my heart rate would go just fricken insane, probably because of how out of shape I am. Then my heart started to race, skip beats, go too slow at random times. I'd just be sitting here, making some pretty pictures on my 'puter... and zoooooom goes my heart. It was really all over the place.

Back to the walkin clinic I go. The doc really didn't tell me anything. She listened to my heart, but I guess it was ok.

So there, more history.

Why this?

So, I got this blog as a "pain journal" and bascially to track my medical issues... easily. And it's more fun then this stupid text editing program I have. haha.

Here's the run down:

For about 5 months now, I've had joint pain. Daily.

Here's how it started. I work on my computer, ALOT. And usually my knees are crossed, folded under me, well whatever, they're just never straight down. So one night, after working especially long hours, when I finally left my computer my knees were ACHING! EEEE it really hurt. I remember limping around getting ready for bed and when I finally fell asleep I thought "hmmm this is new pain".

Next day I woke up and I could hardly walk. Swollen knees! Whoops. No more sitting on my knees and all scrunched up for me.

Next day I woke up and again my knees were swollen. I went to the walkin clinic, because Ontario has an unfortunate lack of doctors. So having a doctor even remotely close to where you live... is rare. Anyway, back to the clinic. I went and she put her fingers above my knee caps and told me to raise my legs a bit. She goes "ew" (haha!) and says that me knee caps move too much. So that was that. I figured "ok, I just wont sit smooshed up anymore". Problem solved... haha I was so very wrong.