Why this?
So, I got this blog as a "pain journal" and bascially to track my medical issues... easily. And it's more fun then this stupid text editing program I have. haha.Here's the run down:
For about 5 months now, I've had joint pain. Daily.
Here's how it started. I work on my computer, ALOT. And usually my knees are crossed, folded under me, well whatever, they're just never straight down. So one night, after working especially long hours, when I finally left my computer my knees were ACHING! EEEE it really hurt. I remember limping around getting ready for bed and when I finally fell asleep I thought "hmmm this is new pain".
Next day I woke up and I could hardly walk. Swollen knees! Whoops. No more sitting on my knees and all scrunched up for me.
Next day I woke up and again my knees were swollen. I went to the walkin clinic, because Ontario has an unfortunate lack of doctors. So having a doctor even remotely close to where you live... is rare. Anyway, back to the clinic. I went and she put her fingers above my knee caps and told me to raise my legs a bit. She goes "ew" (haha!) and says that me knee caps move too much. So that was that. I figured "ok, I just wont sit smooshed up anymore". Problem solved... haha I was so very wrong.