Monday, June 19, 2006

So I'm visiting my dad 'till tomorrow.

My crosseyes seem to be getting better. It hasn't happened in a few days. Which is excellent news.

I went to see a Kidney Specalist last Monday. He's going to consult with the original specalist and see if they think it's necessary to do a biopsy on one of my kidneys. I guess with Lupus, it's not uncommon for it to attack your kidney's. *shrug*

I have a bunch of appointments with specalists coming up:
- more blood taken on the 4th
- MRI on the 7th
- original specalist on the 13th.
- The neurologist wanted to see me one week after I got my MRI done, but I'm not sure if I will be in town then. So we'll see.

Yesterday was an odd day. I went for a walk with my doggy and dad. It was super hot and super humid here. So whatever we're outside for about 45 minutes and I keep feeling worse and worse. Eventually I had to insist we go back. So we get back to my dad's place and I immediatly go lay down. I felt like I was going to barf. So there I was laying down and I announce that I was gonna throw up and feel awful. My dad said my face went white. Totally 100% white. Like no pigment white.

Other then that I have less symptoms then I have in the last little while.

- I'm still a bit swollen (mostly fingers and feet/ankles)
- My joints still want to pop out if I move too quickly. Especially my right thumb and left ankle.
- Lots of headaches
- Insane cramps (which prolly are NOT lupus related... I am a girl)

I'll keep updating this as I go through the list of seeing all the various specalists and when "flares" seem to happen.