Had to buy it!
So I was looking around the 'net for Lupus related sites. Not sure why, it's just something I do. I came across butyoudontlooksick.com and found their online shop. They sell all sorts of "invisible illness" related clothing. Got a good laugh out of this one...I had to have it! So I got a hoodie. Can't wait to get it. It's SO true and kinda funny to boot.
:) Yay for sickness humor. Especially stuff I can wear. LOL now everyone will know why I'm turning into a fat moody bitch! :P Ok, I'm not quite fat, but I got the chub-cheeks goin' on for sure.
Edit to add:
I've been hanging out with some new people in RL. It's SOOOOOOOOO nice to have friends that are understanding about my Lupus thing. For example... I have issues with temperature. I can get overheated really easily. Whenever I'm with this person in a car, she asks a few times if my temperature is ok. Simple things like that just make me feel so loved and appreciative of her. Hell, my old best friend didn't give a shit that I was half dead/dying (I really thought I was, when I was flaring the first time). These new friends have known me only for a few months!
A few of us girls went away Friday night. We spent 90% of the time outdoors (and about 75% of that in the sun). One was especially concerned for me, asking if I was feeling ok and doing ok. It was cool with them to find places in the shade to hang out...even though I knew they wanted to tan. (The sun did kill me the next day, I was swollen, sore, and could have slept all day/night if left to my own devices.)
Anywho, it's just great having understanding and sensitive to my "special needs" friends. I'm just happy to have them. And happy that it's OK to be sick.