The best doctor in Ontario and possibly all of Canada!
Right now I'm totally impressed and have an even deeper level of appreciation for my kidney doctor (well, old one now I guess *sniff sniff). He just called me. Himself. Not a receptionist, not an assistant, HIM!
He told me that he's got a great friend/associate in Calgary and he would be emailing him and faxing my medical records over to the associate. He then asked if I had a family doctor yet. Which I don't. I don't even have Alberta Health Coverage (you have to reside here for 3 months before your eligible). Anyway, bottom line is he is finding me a kidney doctor, who will find me a family doctor. How great is that?
I'm blown away by this guy! I really am! Throughout this whole Lupus thing and well... really any doctor I've seen at anytime he by far has the best bed side manner. It just seems like he cares. Which aside from my ex-family doctor I've never felt *cared* about by a medical professional in Canada. Simply put: he's wonderful. He most definatly gets the most heartfelt thank you letter I have ever written.
Is there such a thing as doctor awards? If so, I must find them and nominate him. If he cared so much about me... he must care about ALL his patients the same. If my opinion of him is so high, most his patients must be too!
So anyway, if your in Toronto and have kidney issues. If you get to see a Dr. Pieartos thank your lucky stars. You're in the best hands you could be.
So, I go to Shoppers to get my perscription refilled. I tell her I've just moved from out of province. She says it wont be a problem. Only time it would be a problem is if I was moving into my ex-Province. Which in my opinion, is NOT cool at all (and quite typical of Ontario).
Lets just say I *did* move from out West to Ontario and needed a refill of my pills. So they're telling me I would not get it? Thing is I HAVE to get my pills. Steriods (not sure if all, but at least the ones I'm on) produce something that your body does as well. When one is taking them their body stops producing whatever it is that the steriods have in them... you cannot stop taking them right away, you have to gradually taper dosage. "If you suddenly stop taking prednisone, your body may not have enough natural steroids to function normally. This may cause symptoms such as extreme tiredness, weakness, slowed movements, upset stomach, weight loss, changes in skin color, sores in the mouth, and craving for salt, and may cause death." -
source. Anyway, what would someone do if they couldn't get their pills? Silly "rules" or whatever it is that says Ontario can't accept out of province perscriptions.
Which reminds me... Whenever my sister would come visit from Alberta *nowhere* would accept her ID for cigarettes. They would say "sorry, we don't accept out of province ID". Are you guys kidding me?! So *only* those in your province can legally buy smokes, booze, get into bars, etc.? How stupid is that? Have I ONCE heard "sorry, we don't accept out of province ID" here in Alberta? No.
No offence to Ontarioian's (is that how you pluralize it?) but honestly that province has got to drop the "exlusive" act. Ontario isn't the hub of Canada. It isn't the greatest province we've got. Sorry, but it just isn't. Of course, that's just my opinion. Anyone who has lived in Ontario and another province and fequently visited both provinces would notice this attitude . It's not the people!! it's just the way things work and/or are run.
Ok. I'm done my rant.
Bye bye!
Labels: ranting about Ontario